My son, Brendan, bought his drugs in Kensington and died three years ago. Thousands of others have died since. Governor Wolf, Mayor Kenney, declare an emergency and shut this market down!

While we want those suffering addiction to receive treatment and not prison sentences, I want those dealing death to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Why is the largest open air drug market in the US, perhaps in the world for the past five years or more not been shut down? My son, Brendan, who died of a heroin overdose after 96 days sober, bought his drugs in Kensington. Thousands have suffered the same result from the same source every year. Scores of others have died from gun violence every year between dealers competing for control of this billion dollar local market. We know where these drugs are sold. We even know the names of many who are selling them. Governor Wolf, Mayor Kenney, declare an emergency and shut this market down!